When you’re selecting an indoor range, you certainly want something that’s going to have a clean, friendly, inviting environment. It’s important to find something that’s well-maintained. You know that that’s going to be the safest place for you.
Another important consideration for the range is the Range Safety Officers. Their job is to assist you and keep everyone safe. Many ranges have excellent range safety officers. Some private clubs allow folks to be their own range safety officer. Those are perfectly acceptable if those folks are well-trained, but it’s something you want to consider when selecting a range.
Another factor for a range is that they have training options. If you’re new to shooting, you want to make sure that you can find a certified instructor that’s going to walk you through the proper safety techniques and that can help you choose the right firearms for your needs.
Also, consider your skill level. You want to make sure that you go to a place that’s open and friendly for beginners, or if you’re going for advanced tactical training, that the facility supports that as well. So you want to consider what sort of options that range provides.
When you are researching ranges, check what sort of rental choices they have. At Morr, we have more than 50 handguns to choose from and 25 long guns. Generally, you want to make sure that the rental variety is going to meet your needs. If you’re looking to purchase a handgun, you want to know that that facility will have those handguns for you to try. Or if you’re just looking to have fun, you want to make sure that that rental selection includes some of those great guns that everybody chooses, as well as some of the fun guns to shoot.
Again, look for a place that’s going to be safe and clean and well-lit and that’s going to ensure that you’re safe and have a great, fun experience when you come to the range.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at Morr. Or stop by our shooting range in Lancaster, PA.